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All About Teil Duncan

Created by Kayla Cole

Teil Duncan is quickly becoming one of the most sought after artists in the southeast. She was born and raised in Columbus, GA and attended Auburn University where she majored in Art. She now works full time as a painter in Charleston, SC.

 Teil Duncan, Charleston Artist

Teil Duncan, Charleston Artist

Teil is inspired by light, movement, surprising color combinations, social interaction, and pattern, her goal is to infuse these elements and form abstracted, pixilated compositions. No matter the subject, she strives to portray a balance of realism combined with loose abstraction, causing one to compliment the other.


Nearing 90K followers on Instagram, Teil is making a legacy name for herself. When Teil releases a series it usually sells out within hours, making the prints she releases a great option for making sure you get a piece of Teil Duncan’s art on your wall.


Teil fans across the country couldn’t get enough of her interesting style so she edited and published a book, ‘The Color Teil’ which can be purchased on Amazon HERE.

**Spoiler alert** The book looks amazing on all coffee tables!


We love having Teil as a part of our CBC team and can always find a way to fit her work into a room or hallway. If you have a space that needs some color, Teil is your girl. Follow her and us on Instagram for the latest updates.

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