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Art Brings Us Together While We Are Apart

Created by Kayla Cole

People are sick. People are dying. Our communities have come to a halt and the global economy is closer to death than it has been in decades (maybe ever). Our 401Ks look like we have barely contributed to them and many have lost their jobs or the business they worked so hard to build. Life as we know it has been turned upside down in a matter of weeks. 

You must be thinking... What a way to start a blog post?! But stick with me.

I don't know where you fall on the scale of impact, but I do know if you are reading this you've been impacted by COVID-19 in some fashion or another. Maybe you just had a baby and aren't sure you can ever trust taking that sweet tiny human out in public again, or maybe you were supposed to walk across a stage with your friends in a few weeks and throw your cap in celebration of 4 years of hard collegiate work. Wherever you fall on the scale of COVID-19 impact, you are unsure of what the future holds and you are scared... me too, friend, me too.

As we unfold the uncertainty and the loss we have all experienced, there is one thing that binds us together: Art.

The art community is thriving right now. Artists are at home in their element creating and giving passion back to society. We have seen it first hand with the multitude of new work we have launched in 2020 and the response our community has shown us that ART is exactly what we need in times of uncertainty. 

Let's recap the amazing new art that has come out of the COVID-19 Pandemic:

Starting with Bonnie Goldberg's Ink + Red Wine collection we saw paper transformed into classic work that will withstand the ages:

Bonnie Goldberg original artist

We launched new work from Kym De Los Reyes this year that STOLE THE SHOW and brought our abstract-loving hearts near explosion:

Kym De Los Reyes Original Artist

We released a collection by Molly Wright that is as peaceful as the idea of an entire spa day with your best friend {okay, maybe I am dreaming of a spa day here... but this collection is THAT peaceful}:

Molly Wright Original Art

Speaking of peaceful work, Emma Bell created a beach series to remind us that the beach will be waiting for us when quarantine is over {everyone can get on board with that!}:

Emma Bell Beach Series Original Art

We also released some rare new work by Kelly Berger! Her work is full of strong colors and beauty:

Kelly Berger New Work. Southern Artist

The talent that has shown up during this time is astounding and the community is supporting it without hesitation. We are so thankful that artists trust us to share their work with you, our tribe, that we wake up each morning knowing ART is what brings us together. 

If you'd like a piece of art for your home to help you remember this time, we are here to help you find the BEST FIT for your budget and space! Email us at or message us on Instagram @Christenberry_Collection

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  • TreAnn Flanagan on

    Hi new to this website. Love all the artwork.Stay well.

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